

Sexual Education for Two Years Old Children

Most people would probably say that teaching small children about sexuality is inappropriate, especially if it is done by teachers instead of the child's parents. But, of a different opinion was the government in Scotland.

Nicola Sturgeon’s government and the EU currently pay for two years old children’s sexuality lessons. Children are also to have a possibility to decide whether they identify as boys, girls or gender neutral. Another element of the programme includes an artist who would encourage infants to talk about sex.  

Parents of those children are understandably angry with the project as they see the topic of sexuality to be too complex for such a little children. "How do we talk about sexuality and children in the same breath without being accused of summoning the spectre of paedophilia?"- Artist Eilidh MacAskill asks.

But, what The Imaginate Creative Project website states sounds innocently: "Our Creative Learning Programme works in partnership with schools, local authorities and Education Scotland to support pupils, teachers and other educators’ creative development."

However, The Genderasaurus Rex promotional material states: "It’s about making work that can speak directly to the gender-variant child, the queer child, the homosexual child, the cis-gendered child who might feel constrained by the expectations inherent in being a girl or a boy.

The word “cis-gendered child” means in this context children who are of a sex they were born in but who feel oppressed.

What's more controversial is that the artist who works with children between the ages of two and five also teaches them about rape and violence. Therefore, one of the parents said that: "The very idea that someone can access my child to put these ideas into their heads is frankly horrifying." 

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